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costa rica rafting
The modern raft is an inflatable boat, consisting of very durable, multi-layered rubberized or vinyl fabrics with several independent air chambers.
Rafts come in a few different forms. In Europe, the most common is the symmetrical raft steered with a paddle at the stern.
In countries like Russia, rafts are often hand made and are often a catamaran style with two inflatable tubes attached to a frame. Pairs of paddlers navigate on these rafts.
Rafts in white water are very different vehicles than canoes or kayaks and have their own specific techniques to maneuver through whitewater obstacles.
If a raft is caught in a hydraulic it will often quickly go sideways.
In order to stop the raft flipping on its inside edge, the rafters can climb to the side of the raft furthest downstream, which will also be the side of the raft highest in the air leading to its name.
If a raft is soft, or underinflated, it may taco, or reverse taco.
Rafts are said to have tacoed if the middle of the raft buckles and the front of the raft touches or nearly touches the back of the raft.
This often is a result of surfing in a hydraulic.
A reverse taco is when the nose, or stern of the raft is pulled down under water and buckles to touch the middle or back, or nose of the raft.
Experts in whitewater rafting and sea kayaking. features the Rios Tropicales Lodge on the Pacuare River.
Rafting Whitewater rafting on the Reventazon River and Pacuare River in Costa Rica, Whitewater adventure vacations.
White water rafting adventure tours through the your Costa Rica vacation truly of a kind.
Labels: costa, costa rica adventure vacation, costa rica camping, group travel costa rica
posted by manuel antonio rafting : 12:53 PM